
Extended Harmony Chord Lessons

I’ve been working on a new series of video lessons for GT on the the topic of Extended Harmony Chords.

An extended chord is one in which the triadic formation process has been extended beyond the normal three notes that form basic major and minor chords. Basic major and minor chords only necessarily contain the
1st, 3rd and 5th scale degrees.  Extending the concept further yields 7th, 9th, 11th and 13th chords.

In earlier lessons I covered the basic 7ths chords: dominant 7th, major 7th and minor 7th.

The first new tutorial builds on those chords and introduces: diminished 7th, dominant 7th/flat 5th, minor 7th flat 5th, and minor major 7th. I show how to play each type of chord rooted on the E, A and D strings. Then, I show how to use them in the context of a ii-V-I jazz type progression.

Extended Harmony Chords Series 1

The next one covers various 9th chords from a jazz guitar perspective: 6/9ths, minor 9th, dominant 9th, dominant 7th flat 9th, dominant 7th flat sharp 9th (also called dominant 7th flat augmented 9th).

Extended Harmony Chords Series 2

I have at least one more planned on 11ths & 13ths!  Happy jazz guitar playing.

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